- Dr. Shigeo Yoshida
- Dr. Makoto Iida
Area5 Wind Energy
Advanced Wind Turbine Technology -1
Advanced Wind Turbine Technology -2
- Dr. Shigeo Yoshida
- Dr. Makoto Iida
Grid Connection and Electrical Systems, & Tower and Foundation
- Dr. Yoh Yasuda
- Dr. Takao Tsuji
Invited Speech
- Shigao Yoshida
- Akihiro Honda
Wind issues in Wind Energy

Dr. Bernhard Stoevesandt (Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc.)
Head of Department – Aerodynamics, CFD and stochastic dynamics, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)
Bernhard joined Fraunhofer IWES in 2011. As head of department he has been responsible for the build-up of the numerical site assessment group, the aerodynamics and a number of R&D projects – both, publicly funded and in cooperation with industry – around his focus of the analysis of wind fields and their effects for wind turbines. The main emphasis of his work was on numerical methods but also literature studies and validation campaigns were part of the work.
Before he joined Fraunhofer IWES, he worked as a scientist at the center of wind energy research of the University of Oldenburg, Germany. In 2010 he obtained his PhD in applied physics from the University of Oldenburg with his research work on turbulence at wind turbines.
Bernhard has been working on projects related to wind energy for the last 18 years. Since 2004 he is active in numerics for wind turbines in research and industrial development, including German Offshore Wind Potential 2050.
Acceleration of wind energy from an aerodynamic perspective

Prof. Christian Bak is a professor in rotor aerodynamics for wind turbines at DTU Wind and Energy Systems. He is head of the section Airfoil and Rotor Design and heading the new Poul la Cour Tunnel, that is a large aerodynamic and aeroacoustic wind tunnel dedicated wind energy. He has carried out research at Risø Campus since 1997 within theoretical and experimental airfoil and rotor aerodynamics. He has been designer and co-designer of the wind turbine dedicated Risø airfoils, which are used on MW rotors. Also, different concepts of rotor design have been investigated, e.g. he is co-inventor on the use of active trailing edge flaps for wind turbines. Examples of his activities are the detailed aerodynamic full-scale measurements on a 2 MW wind turbine rotor in the so-called DAN-AERO MW project, several wind tunnel measurement campaigns, principal organizer and project leader of the establishment of the artificial DTU 10 MW reference wind turbine and leading projects to investigate the influence of blade leading edge roughness on the aerodynamic performance. Finally, he has been the project leader of the establishment of the Poul la Cour Tunnel in Denmark.
Area6 Biomass Utilization & Conversion
Biofuels (Bioethanol, BDF, Bio-jet fuel)
- Dr.Yang Yingnan
- Dr. Kinya Sakanishi
Hydrothermal Technology, Pyrolysis and carbonization
- Dr. Kenji Imou
- Dr.Yukihiko Matsumura
Invited Speech
- Dr. Yukihiko Matsumura
- Dr. Kinya Sakanishi
Bioresources as New Oil for Carbon Neutral Biohydrogen Production from Solid and Liquid By-product

Prof. Dr. Eniya Listiani Dewi.
Research Professor at National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) of Indonesia. After obtained the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree from Applied Chemistry Department of Waseda University Japan on 2003, she is involved for more than 20 years on proton exchange membrane fuel cells development, bioenergy, hydrogen production technology, including catalyst and ionic membrane research. She has more than 200 publications and received more than 30 awards on science, engineering and technology fields, such Asia Excellence Award, The Habibie Award, General Electric Company Award, Engineering Award, BJ Habibie Technology Award, etc. As a JSPS Fellow, she got the Mizuno Award and Koukenkai Award.
She was recognized as Board Director of International Association Hydrogen Energy (IAHE), founder and chairperson of Indonesia Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology (IFHE), member of Indonesia National Academy of Science (AIPI) and the president of Indonesia Polymer Society (HPI). Currently, she is serving the government communities on energy transition policy.
Sustainability, Biomass Refinery
- Dr. Takuyuki Yoshioka
- Dr. Kinya Sakanishi
Invited Speech
- Dr. Kinya Sakanishi
- Dr. Yukihiko Matsumura

Lasse Rosendahl, PhD
Aalborg University · Department of Energy Technology
Lasse A. Rosendahl was born in Ribe, Denmark, in 1967. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. From 1998 to 1999, he was with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, as an Assistant Professor, and as an Associate Professor from 2000 to 2007. In 1999, he was employed with Research and Development Department, Grundfos A/S. He has been a Professor with Aalborg University since 2007, and until 2020, he headed the Advanced Biofuels at the department. In 2020, he became head of department at AAU Energy His current research interests include thermochemical biomass conversion technologies, liquid biofuels and novel energy technologies, including modeling, simulation, and design with a focus on optimized efficiency.
The mission of the Advanced Biofuels research group is to develop innovative and energy efficient thermochemical conversion processes for biomass feedstocks producing high grade bio-fuel products. In near and long term perspective biomass will become key as a source for renewable fuels and intermediates for carbon containing products. The biomass research programme is dedicated to adding value and sustainability to a wide range of products and to provide a viable route to large scale, sustainable production of biofuels. . See more here: www.energy.aau.dk
Area7 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
- Dr. Masakazu Sugiyama
- Dr. Tatsuoki Kono
- Dr. Takashi Kuzuya
- Dr. Tatsuoki Kono
- Dr. Junji Inukai
- Dr. Takashi Kuzuya
- Dr. Tatsuoki Kono
- Dr.Junji Inukai
Hydrogen : a new player at the service of the environment and the economy
- European research activities in hydrogen technologies

Dr. Laurent Antoni is Public Affairs manager for hydrogen technologies at CEA Liten, the French research and technology organization developoing alternative energies.
Laurent Antoni is since 2016 President of Hydrogen Europe Research, the European research association on hydrogen and fuel cells gathering more than 100 universities and research institutes, member of the Governing Board of the European Clan Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.
He is also President of the Technical Committee of Fuel Cells at the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC/TC105) and a national representative in different working groups of international organizations (IEA Advanced Fuel Cells, IEA Hydrogen TCP, International Partnership for Hydrogen and fuels cells in the Economy - IPHE).
He contributes to several peer reviewed books and publications.
contact: laurent.antoni@cea.fr

Dr. Felix N. Büchi studied chemistry at the University of Berne (Switzerland) and received his PhD in the area of fundamental electrochemistry in 1989.
After postdoc stay at Deakin University (Australia) he joined Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, where, since 2002, he heads the Fuel Cell Systems and Diagnostics Group.
Work is focused on the development of porous materials for electrochemical conversion technologies such as PEM fuel cells and electrolyzers, with a focus on characterization by electrochemical and X-ray imaging technologies.
Area10 Energy Network
Advanced Electric Car
- Dr. Hiroshi Yamaguchi
- Dr. Takao Tsuji
Poster Session
- Dr. Hiroshi Yamaguchi
- Dr. Takao Tsuji
Invited Speech
- Dr. Hiroshi Asano
- Dr. Hiroshi Yamaguchi
Distributed energy systems: technical and commercial solutions to enable ultra-deep penetration of solar PV

Prof. Pierluigi Mancarella is Chair Professor of Electrical Power Systems at The University of Melbourne (Australia) and Professor of Smart Energy Systems at The University of Manchester (UK). His key research interests include techno-economic modelling and analysis of multi-energy systems, grid integration of renewables and distributed energy resources, energy infrastructure planning under uncertainty, and security, reliability and resilience of low-carbon networks.
Pierluigi is the Energy Systems programme lead at the Melbourne Energy Institute, an IEEE Power and Energy Society Distinguished Lecturer, the Convenor of the Cigre C6/C2.34 Working Group on “Flexibility provision from distributed energy resources”, and the technical chair of the 2022 International Microgrids Symposium. He also holds the 2017 veski Innovation Fellowship for his work on urban-scale virtual power plants and is a recipient of an international Newton Prize 2018 for his work on power system resilience in Chile. Currently he is actively involved in a number of research and consultancy projects with industry and policy makers in Australia and internationally, particularly in the areas of integrated planning of electricity-hydrogen infrastructure and development of distributed energy markets.
Pierluigi is author of several books and over 300 research papers and reports, is an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, and the Oxford Open Energy journal, and has been visiting researcher/professor in a number of international institutions, including NREL in Colorado, Tsinghua University in China, Ecole Centrale de Lille in France, and the Universidad de Chile.