Conference Topics
Papers are solicited on the following Area :
1. Policy & Integrated Concept

- Policy Instruments, e.g.FIT
- Scenario
- RE and Climate Change, toward carbon neutral(DACCS, CCS etc)
- RE in the Context of Sustainable Development
- Mitigation Potential and Costs
- Financing and Implementation
- R&D Policy
- Energy Technology Roadmap
- International Cooperation and Collaboration
2. Photovoltaics

- Novel Concept Solar Cells(Organic、DSSC、Quantum dot)
- Silicon Solar Cells
- Thin Film Solar Cells
- Multijunction Solar Cells
- Perovskite Solar Cells
- Module Reliability
- Performance Characterization
- PV Systems, BOS Components and Grid Integration
- Operation and Maintenance (+ Repowering)
- Forecast and Solar Resources
- New applications (BIPV, VIPV, Floating PV and Agri PV)
- Artificial Photosynthesis
- Recycle and Reuse
3. Solar Thermal Applications

- Solar thermal collector
- Solar based heat pump technology
- Solar Cooling
- Solar-fired power generation
- Solar Binary Power Generation
- Thermal Energy Storage
- Solar-thermally driven chemical processes
- Solar thermal utilization for hydrogen or fuel production
- Solar desalination
- Solar cooker
- Solar thermal detoxification
4. Innovative Bioclimatic Architecture

- Vernacular Architecture / Passive Design
- Zero Energy House/ Zero Energy Building
- Zero Net Carbon
- Affordable Green Housing
- Building Stock Activation / Refinement
- Smart City / ICT
- Comfort and Indoor Climate
- Energy Management System /Commissioning
- Elements and Materials
- Building Evaluation Index/Tool
5. Wind Energy

- Offshore Wind Energy
- Advanced Wind Turbine Technology
- Grid Connection and Electrical Systems
- Site Assessments and Forecasting
- Plant Design and Management
- Operation and Maintenance
- Tower and Foundation
- Measurement and Monitoring Techniques
- Acoustics and Noise Issues
- Small/Distributed Wind Power
- COE of Wind Power
- Social and Environmental Issues
6. Biomass Utilization & Conversion

- Biofuels (Bioethanol, BDF, Bio-jet fuel)
- Biomaterials
- Gasification and combustion
- Biomass Refinery
- Microalgae, Aquatic biomass
- Pyrolysis and carbonization including torrefaction
- Anaerobic Digestion(bio-methane and hydrogen production)
- Negative emission technology(BECCS, Bio-char)
- Forestry
- Hydrothermal Technology
- Sustainability
7. Hydrogen & Fuel Cell

- Hydrogen Energy Systems
- Hydrogen Production
- Hydrogen Transportation and Storage
- Hydrogen End-Use Technology
- Technology and Fabrication
- Fuel Cell for Transportation
- Fuel Cell Power Plants
- Fuel Cell for Co-generation
8. Ocean Energy

- Wave Energy
- Tidal Current Energy
- Ocean Current Energy
- Offshore Wind Energy
- Utilization with Aquaculture
- Resource Assessment and Monitoring
- Economic Assessment
- Ocean Resources for Energy
- Ocean Marine Biomass
- Deep Sea Water Application
9. Geothermal Energy & Ground-Source Heat Pump

- Power generation
- Direct use
- Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)
- Exploration
- Monitoring
- Geology
- Geochemistry (Erosion, corrosion, and scaling)
- Numerical modeling
- Thermal conductivity
- Saving energy
- Ground-source heat pump
- Social and environmental aspects
- Innovative technologies
10. Energy Network

- Smart Grid
- Micro-grid
- Energy Network
- Distributed Energy Resources
- Power Storage and System
- Vehicle to Grid
- Demand Response
- Power Electronics
- Superconductor and System
- Advanced Electric Car
11. Energy Conservation & Heat Pump

- Air-conditioning/Heat Pump
- Area Energy and Environmental Management
- Combined Heat and Power Utilization
- Energy Conservation and Assessment
- Global Warming/Heat Island and Other Environmental Issues
- Net Zero Energy Building/House
- Refrigeration and Refrigerants
- Renewable Energy Utilization
- Thermal Energy Technology and Storage
- Thermodynamics and Energy Management
12. Small Hydro & Non-Conventional Energy

- Hydropower Development and Utilization
- Practical Examples and Field (Model) Tests
- Micro & Pico System
- Undeveloped Energy for Human Life
- Unused Energy Recovery