アブストラクト/フルペーパー Abstract/Full Papers

Basic Rule :

  • Language-English
  • Abstract Submission – All those who want presentation regardless of oral or poster are required.
  • Full Paper Submission-Only those who want to submit the paper to J-Stage are required in addition to the abstract

Basic Procedures :

Abstract in the designated format (see attached) should be submitted not later than two weeks after registration.
But, the abstract due date is October 31.

Program committee reviews abstract in view of matching with conference aim, well-suited paper volume, and categorized area to be proper. Person of abstract submission also specifies your preference, oral or poster. Unless registration fees are paid, abstracts cannot be processed.

Full paper should be submitted until the conference start in accordance with the designated format (see attached). J-Stage uploading work is commenced in the earliest possible time after the conference. The papers are publicized to the worldwide journal network as J-Global in without-peer review category.

Basic Procedures(Presentation Paper) :

All those who present in oral should submit Presentation Paper in PowerPoint until 7th of December,2022 to make quick backup possible in secretary office when the web communication fall in trouble.