Renewable Energy World Fair 2012 Visitor Count

Date Weather 来場者数
December 5 (Wed) Fair 12,591
December 6 (Thu) Fair 15,004
December 7 (Fri) Fair 14,910
Total   42,505

Introducing Japan’s latest products, technology, and information concerning new energy to the world!


Dates: December 5 (Wed) - 7 (Fri), 2012 10:00 - 17:00
Admission Fee: Free of charge
Organized by: Japan Council for Renewable Energy
Co-organized by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
New Energy Foundation (NEF)
Supporting Organization Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Ministry of the Environment
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Chiba Prefectural Government
City of Chiba
Special Cooperation: FujiSankei Business i

Exhibition Categories

Products, technologies, services, peripherals and information that contribute to conservation of the global environment and biodiversity are welcome in all fields of energy and the environment.

Policy & Concept
Renewable energy promotion systems, global environment

Advanced products and materials, innovative technologies

Solar Thermal Applications
Heat and Power integration, products and systems, co-generation

Innovative Bioclimatic Architecture
Zero energy consumption, energy-efficient housing, design and construction, materials

Wind Energy
Advanced wind turbines (large to small), wind assessment tools

Biomass Utilization & Conversion
Conversion methods for heat and power, bio-fuels, applications

Hydrogen & Fuel Cell
Current and future FC products, applications, FC vehicles, hydrogen society

Ocean Energy
Power generation systems,
integrated utilization, marine resources

Geothermal & GeoHeat
Current and advanced methods, applications and systems

Energy Network & Power Ele.
Battery energy storage technology, system interconnection technology, electric power supply systems, control technology, regional new energy projects and suchlike.

Energy Conservation & Heat Pump
Heart and energy cascade, entropy

Small Hydro &
Non-Conventional Energy

  • Use of temperature differences
  • Cogeneration
  • Clean automobiles
  • Superconductivity
  • IT Communication
  • Use of snow / ice heat
  • Test Equipment and Apparatus: Environment conservation measurements, determinations,analyses
  • Environmental finance-related products and support systems
  • NPO and NGO
  • Others